
She’s Involved in a Commitment

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It was easy to see Vital Options was honoring a friend when it gave Jill Eikenberry the second annual Vital Spirit award at the Beverly Hilton’s Grand Ballroom Sunday night.

Some fund-raising dinners have all the personal warmth of prime rib special night at the Sizzler--a large crowd eating the same dinner in the same room. But, besides raising $80,000, this was a black-tie affair with genuine enthusiasm.

“It’s our love letter to Jill,” said board chairman Dr. Michael Van Scoy-Mosher. “She’s not just getting an award because she’s a celebrity,” said Vital Options founder Selma R. Schimmel. “She’s been there for us when we really needed her.”


Vital Options’ goal is to help young adults with cancer or other life-threatening diseases come to grips with their illnesses. Eikenberry, who five years ago was told she had breast cancer, has not only supported the group, she also co-produced the Emmy-nominated NBC documentary, “Destined to Live,” about the disease.

“What impressed me about the documentary was the ease with which the information was given,” said the evening’s emcee, a very pregnant Meryl Streep. “Jill really got the women to talk about it. It was moving and heartening. It made you understand what they went through.”

After a film tribute, there were remarks by Henry Winkler; “L.A. Law” creator Steve Bochco; NBC Entertainment president Warren Littlefield ; “Destined to Live” co-producer Linda Otto, and Eikenberry’s husband, Michael Tucker.


Eikenberry said “I feel like it’s my birthday. All my friend are here. I’ll come to all your dinners, I promise.” She then thanked Streep, “who hates doing this kind of stuff,” and praised the Vital Options workers, including Schimmel, Otto, Roslyn Weiner, Sheryl Nussbaum, Lana Sacks, Cameron Liu, Sue Buchbinder and Terri Fried, for their commitment. “I’m involved, they’re committed,” Eikenberry said.
