
John Sununu’s Air Travel

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The article (“Sununu Defends Ski Trip as Official,” front page, April 24) on White House Chief of Staff John Sununu’s use of public money to pay for his ski trips is reminiscent of the stories we used to read about the perks of Moscow government officials, such as their limousines, private roads, stores, dachas , etc. The current Stanford University example also comes to mind.

A certain amount of this kind of behavior will always be with us, and no doubt its beneficiaries have no problem believing that their taxpayer-provided freebies are well deserved and only right and proper.

These behavioral symptoms result from the disease of arrogance, a classic form of small-mindedness.

Maybe we should be thankful that Sununu’s actions are news; if all they elicited was another ho-hum, we would be in even worse trouble.



Sherman Oaks
