
Bedeviled Only by the ‘True Believers’

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Re “Satanism Still Strong, Controversial Priest Tells Diocese Crowd,” (April 21): It saddens me to read about people such as Father James LeBar. This Middle Ages mind-set that espouses incontrovertible belief in the factual aspect of mythological phenomena lends itself only to stultification.

Truth, if we are ever to come upon it, is waiting down some road we have yet to travel. To believe that the characters who inhabited the prayers and poetry of our convoluted past are supernatural beings that actually exist is to perpetrate philosophical cowardice.

The sin here is that these great untruths are heaped upon the offspring of these “true believers,” with the tragic result being many people grow up with our mythologies cemented into the brains.


Are we going into the 21st Century laden with the dross of superstition? Yes, of course we are! It is not Satan that is our adversary, but rather our literal belief in him and all his potent poetic constituents.

