
It Shouldn’t Have to Be a Vicious Cycle : * Both Sides of Irvine Bike Battle Must Remember That the Streets Belong to Everyone

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Irvine, known far and wide as an orderly, planned community, last weekend began insisting on order from the packs of weekend bicycle riders who pass through the city. It issued 10 tickets for moving violations by bicyclists. If the crackdown continues--and there are indications that it will--the city ought to be careful not to overdo it.

No doubt, there will be some in places with higher crime rates than Irvine who wonder if there are not more serious traffic enforcement issues to engage the efforts of local authorities. Certainly some of the bicyclists think that.

While some agree that riders who run stop signs or red lights should be cited just as drivers are, there are understandable concerns about the practice of ticketing riders who travel side by side, instead of single-file, within a bicycle lane. One cycling club official has argued for compromise, which is a very good idea to help keep the safety campaign in proper perspective.


Anyone who is out and about in Irvine on the weekends has seen the armies of cyclists gliding alongside the steady stream of vehicular traffic. There are legitimate enough concerns about traffic regulation. The trick for the enforcing officers will be to attend to them without causing ill will.

Police complain that cycling groups, riding as many as 100 together, pose a hazard by spilling over onto traffic lanes for cars. And there are also concerns about groups of bicycle riders running red lights.

Police warmed up for the campaign by issuing informational pamphlets two weekends ago. The early reaction from riders was decidedly unenthusiastic.


The city should be safety-conscious, of course. But most bicycle riders are safety-conscious and probably only need a reminder to stay on track. And Irvine should not forget that its marvelous network of bike paths stands as an open invitation to riders to visit the city.
