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Your editorial “Bit of Hope for an Exhausted Nation” (May 4) was full of misconceptions and misunderstanding. Contrary to your claims, the Hrawi government does not represent the Lebanese. It was not chosen by the people of Lebanon but was imposed by outside manipulations, tricks, bribes and Syrian troops. The Hrawi regime is a puppet government to Syria, a dictatorship. Very few people in Lebanon expect this lackey government to restore peace, especially when we know that the armed presence of Hezbollah, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the Palestinians will be strongly maintained.

The restoration of peace cannot be done in a climate of repression, hate and fear. The whole world should know that as long as freedom, human rights, democracy and sovereignty are not restored to Lebanon, peace remains at best very elusive.

Peace will entail the withdrawal of all foreign occupation forces, the restoration of the legitimate constitutional government of Maj. Gen. Michel Aoun and a free election supervised internationally among the Lebanese to choose and determine their own future.



Policy Committee Council of Lebanese-American Organizations

Washington, D.C.
