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THE GRAVE OF ALICE B. TOKLAS & OTHER REPORTS FROM THE PAST by Otto Friedrich (Fromm: $12.95). In this collection of cogent, if occasionally rambling, personal essays, Friedrich muses on a variety of topics, from Wagner’s “Parsifal” to the destruction of the monastery of Monte Cassino during World War II. In the title piece, he recalls how the aged Alice Toklas encouraged him at the beginning of his career, and draws a rare portrait of her that is not dominated by the overweening shadow of Gertrude Stein. An enthusiastic amateur musician, Friedrich is at his best in his discussions of music, especially his account of the career of composer/keyboard virtuoso Domenico Scarlatti. A lengthy essay on the astounding last year of Mozart’s life (1791) focuses on the creation of “The Magic Flute” and “La Clemenza di Tito” and the composer’s alleged misogyny. Friedrich dismisses Peter Shaffer’s play “Amadeus” as a gross distortion, but takes a kinder view of Milos Forman’s bloated film. Friedrich’s prose makes for very civilized reading, even for readers who may not agree with all of his opinions.
