
Capistrano Valley Students Offer Theories on Evolution-Creation Flap

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<i> The following letters were written by Capistrano Valley High School students</i>

I am appalled that Mr. Peloza has had such a long opportunity to distort young students’ views of science. His assertion that evolution is the religion of atheism is clearly meant as a derogatory remark against individuals who choose not to believe in a supreme being.

Atheists and agnostics generally do not press their views on others the way fundamentalist Christians such as Peloza do. His belief that the theory of “abrupt appearance” is equal to that of evolution is clearly ridiculous.

Although macro-evolution has not been re-created in a laboratory, the theory is based on observable fact and a testable hypothesis, which has not been disproved.


Creationism, or abrupt appearance, is based solely on religious faith. By teaching creationism on a parallel with evolution, Peloza is presenting religious beliefs as scientific fact, thereby establishing religion in a state-funded school, violating the Establishment clause of the First Amendment.

Our society evolved from being controlled by religious factions long ago. I believe that allowing Peloza to continue teaching his way would be a step backward for our society.

