
Capistrano Valley Students Offer Theories on Evolution-Creation Flap

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<i> The following letters were written by Capistrano Valley High School students</i>

I was in Mr. Peloza’s class for the school year 1988-’89. When it came to the subject of evolution, it was clear what his views were.

He would begin to explain the theories of evolution, then contradict every one of them, stating that there was no “real” evidence to support it. Many times he would tell us of the “greatest scientists” and say that they did not support the theory of evolution.

Mr. Peloza continuously denies that he teaches religion in the classroom. However, from firsthand experience, I can assure (you) that he does. I was once asked by him if I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior, (and) if I had, I would be saved. He asked me this after class, but I assure you that I did not stay after to discuss my religious beliefs.


Either way he shouldn’t be questioning any students in that way. This sort of “teaching” is inappropriate and offensive. As high school students, we are taught to make decisions for ourselves.

Mr. Peloza intimidates his students, making an uncomfortable situation in the classroom. He is not following his class curriculum and should not be allowed to continue expressing his personal views in class.

SHANNON WILKINSON, Former Peloza student
