
Capistrano Valley Students Offer Theories on Evolution-Creation Flap

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<i> The following letters were written by Capistrano Valley High School students</i>

John Peloza violates the curriculum guide by bringing religious views into the classroom where they don’t belong. Mr. Peloza says he wants to teach both sides, but the problem is that one side is based on reason and the other based on faith.

Since he is teaching a science class, he should be teaching a theory that can be based on scientific evidence and not try to interject a form of religion into his classroom at the expense of the students.

I attended a private, Catholic school for my first eight years of education where only creationism was taught. Therefore, I am sure there are many religious schools that would more than welcome his views.


But if Peloza insists on teaching at a public school, he should abide by the district science curriculum and stop forcing the district to spend already scarce funds in defense of this.

JENNIFER GRUPP, Class of 1991
