
Measure P Much Needed by Schools

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It isn’t often that we citizens of the community have the opportunity to participate directly in determining the directions our public schools take. We vote for legislators or school district members who we believe will support adequate education programs, but this roundabout influence is nebulous at best.

Tuesday, however, the situation is totally different in the city of Irvine. We can then vote to maintain much-needed classroom science programs, school libraries, and teacher training programs--all of which are vital to the continued progress of our community’s youth.

This opportunity is a “yes” vote on Measure P. Calling for a local parcel tax of just $35 per year for four years only, Measure P funds would maintain these programs now threatened by severe state budget cuts.


The annual $35 tax on property owned, a total of only $140 over the four-year period, should not be a burden to any property owner. However, to protect those of us who are 65 years or older who have to watch every expenditure carefully, filing of a simple form each year provides exemption from the tax. What could be more fair?

Please--if you value the educational opportunities for your children or grandchildren in Irvine--vote “yes” on Measure P on Tuesday. Your reward will be better education for tomorrow’s citizens. Can we afford not to pass Measure P?

