
Mola Proposal’s Effect on Seal Beach

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On June 4, the voters of Seal Beach will have a rare opportunity to decide the fate of one of the last parcels of open space left within city boundaries: the Hellman property.

This particular parcel is more than just “open space.” It is a historic wetlands that has been highly degraded by neglect.

If we vote yes on the A-91 plan, we will continue to use up our precious open space with more housing. It sure sounds good, but once those houses are built, that open space is gone for good.


In addition, traffic in and around Seal Beach will be more congested, causing more headaches and frazzled nerves. The Hellman property will be a sea of rooftops. These new homes will not even be “friendly,” as they will be behind a guard gate.

Seal Beachers need to take a stand to keep open what little open space we have. There are still opportunities to restore the wetlands to their original potential of more than 100 acres. It is a known fact that wetlands are vital to the health of the planet. Let’s do our part and vote “no” on A-91!

