
Brady Bill Support

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The House of Representatives recently voted for the Brady Bill. How wonderful to see the government pass a law where the public actually benefits. The Brady Bill, which requires a seven-day waiting period before one can purchase a handgun, makes the country safer for us all.

This law was favored by 87% of gun owners, 97% of the American people, and 100% of all law enforcement agencies. Essentially, the public is disgusted with the guns on the street, and they wanted something done about it. The Brady Bill is a law that will save lives because it gives law enforcement a chance to keep guns out of the hands of felons and the mentally ill. It is not a gun-control bill, it is a crime-control bill.

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Coronado), voted against the Brady Bill. With his vote he abandoned his constituents to curry favor with the National Rifle Assn. His cowardice and lack of good sense are not new to those who monitor his voting record.


The NRA, of course, supported the opposition with a multimillion-dollar misleading advertising campaign. Fortunately, the NRA’s heavy-handed lobbying turned off congressmen and congresswomen of both parties. The resulting bipartisan support assured passage of the Brady Bill.

Like the NRA, Duncan Hunter has lost touch with America.

