
‘Winds of War’ Composer Guilty of Copying Music

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A federal jury found Monday that Hollywood composer Bob Cobert copied a musical theme for the 1983 TV mini-series “The Winds of War.”

Paramount Pictures will ask a judge to reverse the verdict, the company’s attorney, Andy Robertson, said after the verdict in U.S. District Court.

The jury deliberated three hours before finding that Cobert copied a musical love theme for the mini-series from the 1965 song “Sans Vous,” written by Deerfield, Ill., professor John Woodbridge. The court left determination of damage amounts for later.


Robertson said he will file a motion Tuesday asking U.S. District Judge David V. Kenyon to reverse the verdict in the case, which was filed in 1986. “The verdict of liability against Paramount is unsupportable by the law or the fact,” he said.
