
SAN GABRIEL VALLEY AND THE DROUGHT : Pasadena Approves Fines, Rewards for Saving Water

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Fines, rewards and higher water prices were approved Tuesday by the Pasadena City Council as part of an effort to conserve 10% over the city’s 1989 water use levels.

Water users who fail to reduce their consumption by that amount will be fined 15 cents for each billing unit of 100 cubic feet of water (748 gallons) exceeding the conservation level. Those who conserve will receive a 15-cent credit for each billing unit below the required conservation level.

Those installing ultra-low volume toilets, which use 1.6 gallons per flush instead of the standard five to seven gallons per flush, will receive a $100 rebate.


In addition, the top 15% of city water users, both residential and commercial, will see their bills increase by an average 10% under a higher per-unit rate that kicks in at varying levels determined by the size of the water pipe hookup.
