
The authoritative stare used by top-hatted footman...

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The authoritative stare used by top-hatted footman Lisa Jones, above, to lock two Santa Anita carriage horses into obedience had the winning look for judges of the annual Glendale Humane Society animal photo contest. Along with other winning shots, sweepstakes winner “Lisa’s Look,” by Glendale photographer John A. Shelde, went on display Wednesday in the children’s room of the Central Library.

For her paper on “Stereotypical Masculinity and Physical Disability: A Redefinition of Manliness,” Glendale College student Tracy Forster won first place in the Fidelity Federal Bank Research/Writing Awards. The prize was a check for $300.

After 20 years in which he became known as Glendale High’s biggest booster at sports and scholastic events, Principal Sam Harvey is retiring. In 40 years with the Glendale Unified School District, Harvey was a teacher, vice principal and principal at junior highs before moving to Glendale High in 1970. Still, he bows out considerably short of the record tenure of George Moyse, namesake of the Glendale High field, who was principal from 1902 to 1937.
