
COUNTYWIDE : Economist Laffer to Speak at Event

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Arthur B. Laffer, a conservative economist who helped form former President Ronald Reagan’s economic policies, has agreed to speak at a political fund-raising dinner in Oxnard next week for Assemblyman Tom McClintock (R-Thousand Oaks).

Laffer, a former USC professor, is best known for doodling his now-famous Laffer Curve of supply-side economics on a cocktail napkin.

His much-disputed theory, which provided the premise for Reagan’s 1981 Economic Recovery Act, asserts that cutting taxes stimulates business activity and actually increases government revenues. Laffer, now an economic consultant in La Jolla, is the latest is a string of notable--and often controversial--conservatives to stump for McClintock’s reelection.


Speakers at previous fund-raisers have included former White House aide and Iran-Contra figure Oliver North, unsuccessful Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork, anti-tax crusader Paul Gann and actor and political activist Charlton Heston.

The dinner is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. June 14 at the Radisson Hotel in Oxnard.
