
LA HABRA : Employees’ Kin Win Scholarships

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Four college-age children of La Habra School District employees were awarded the Catherine Leberman Scholarship this week.

The scholarship fund was established by the teachers and classified employees associations in 1988 in memory of Leberman, who was killed in an automobile accident in Australia that year. She had worked in the district for 22 years as the superintendent’s secretary.

John Leberman, her son, was on hand to award the four $300 scholarships to Lisa Delamater, a sociology major at Cal State Fullerton; Adrian P. Caito, a political science major at Long Beach City College; Cathleen A. Baker, a physical education major at Cal Poly Pomona; and Daryn A. Martin, a business major at USC.


The scholarship money is awarded annually to children and grandchildren of district employees.
