
LAKE CASITAS : Water Board Given $9.6-Million Budget

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The Casitas Municipal Water District board discussed a plan Wednesday to use $2 million in reserve funds to pay for a new water filtering system.

The district’s $9.6-million proposed budget for 1991-92 was presented at a study session Wednesday afternoon. The district’s board of directors is expected to adopt the final version June 12.

The reserves would be recovered by the selling of bonds late in 1992, district administrator Ron Morse said.


General Manager John Johnson said the district will save about $80,000 by cutting two positions from its parks budget. The board is considering budgeting $100,000 to encourage users to convert to low-flow plumbing fixtures.

Board members said the incentive would probably be in the form of loans rather than rebates. Morse, who compiled figures for the session, said the district plans to improve its income from recreation, which totaled about $500,000, instead of the $1 million expected this year.
