
Fisher Park Dispute Sparks Responses

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I am one of the many homeowners in Santa Ana’s Jack Fisher Park neighborhood (Editorial, June 5) concerned with its misuse, antiquated design and safety hazards. And this resident strongly supports the Neighborhood Park Assn. and its aims.

Fisher Park was never designed to accommodate the party-goers that flock to its modest open space on weekends. With less than 2 acres, bordering family homes and no off-street parking, this is a “pocket” park, not a large, public amenity, such as Centennial Park.

Yet the city persists in booking social gatherings for the Fisher Park cabin that attract crowds more appropriately directed to larger outdoor facilities. Why? Because historic mismanagement by public officials has left Santa Ana’s older areas with too many people, too little public space.


We should treasure and enhance the very limited open environment that remains in Central Orange County.

