
‘Twigg’ Not So Terrible

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Dance critic Frankie Wright’s review of “The Terrible Tale of Ringmaster Twigg,” (Calendar, May 27) was on target in some respects. We admit “Twigg” was too long and complex. However, the fairy tale aspects of the show were ignored in the review.

Fairy tales are stories of intervention in mortal affairs by distorted figures, often with magical powers. “Twigg” was certainly no more threatening than the Witch Queen in “Snow White” or the Fairy of Darkness of “Sleeping Beauty.” Dance has a long association with fairy tales such as “Cinderella.”

“Ringmaster Twigg” is not a fluffy sugar and spice story, but, rather one which challenges and holds the attention of the children in the show and audience. Its success was proven by the response of those in attendance, who sat through the long show in uncommon silence and attentiveness.


The combination of theater with dance is an invaluable tool for capturing the imagination of the children involved with City Moves!

An effort such as City Moves!, a new program that takes dance to schools and the community, has never been undertaken before in San Diego. That it occurred at all during a difficult year such as this is just short of miraculous.

The implication that City Moves! somehow failed the children because the critic did not like the story misses the point of the project and the tremendous impact it has had on the lives of its many participants.


FRED COLBY, Executive Director, San Diego Foundation for the Performing Arts
