
State’s Water Shortage

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It is true that the drought has jolted California into a mode of water consciousness and conservation--albeit temporary. Your charge to involve more than just water experts in the long-term decision-making process (“Don’t Leave It With the Experts,” editorial, May 13), has been the goal of the Southern California Water Committees Inc. (SCWC) since its inception in 1984. The SCWC, now nearly 400 members strong, is a unique coalition that includes representatives from business, government, agriculture, water agencies and the general public, spanning eight Southern California counties.

What is needed is a statewide consensus on water. Every sector and every individual must play a part if we are to reach long-term solutions for ensuring a reliable future water supply for our entire state.

JOHN K. FLYNN, Chairman, Southern Calif. Water Committee, Irvine, Supervisor, Ventura County
