
Religion and Sexuality

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Thank you for running the honest and insightful column by Cromey.

Fundamentalists are quite fond of quoting Leviticus, which alleges that homosexuality is an abomination, as a rationale for their “divinely inspired” persecution of gays. What they consistently fail to mention, however, is that the book of Leviticus also lists many other so-called abominations, among them the eating of shellfish. Does this mean that our next widespread irrational fear will be lobsterphobia?

Also in the Bible are proscriptions against women as teachers and the wearing of garments made of blends of materials. Should a woman in the man/woman/child family configuration stop being a teacher, as it were, to her children? Should we all stop wearing permanent press or become a nation of nudists? These unrealistic absolutes make almost as much sense as using God’s word to denigrate gays, which is none!

