
But Spell the Movie B-O-M-B

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Ad designers are used to last-minute changes to satisfy client whims, but rarely do they face the kind of shuffling that occurred for Columbia Pictures’ new movie “Stone Cold.”

Just three months ago, the film’s star, renegade linebacker-turned-actor Brian Bosworth, and his agent declared that his name be spelled “Bo z worth.” The change was to play off “The Boz” nickname that helped made Bosworth/Bozworth famous when he was a football star at Oklahoma.

So why do the ads for “Stone Cold” refer to him as “Bo s worth?”

The studio declined comment. A source familiar with the ad campaign who requested anonymity said preliminary ads were made up with the name spelled “Bozworth.” The actor and his agent kept changing their minds, however. They finally returning to “Bosworth” because they felt that it sounds more “actor-like,” the source said.


Bosworth’s agent, Gary Wichard, denies that that was the reason. He said he considered the name change for marketing purposes but nixed it because it was too gimmicky.

Not that it matters. The film has been stone cold at the box office, doing only about $7.5 million in business its first three weeks, about $10 million below what the producers say it cost to make.

Take This Job and Love It

Two years ago, Guerneville, Calif., champagne maker F. Korbel & Bros. launched a well-publicized search for a “director of romance,” a job filled by author and consultant Rebecca Sydnor.


Now Sydnor has left the firm, apparently because she loves consulting more.

Sydnor couldn’t be reached for comment. But a Korbel spokeswoman confirmed that she has returned to her consulting work and that the job of chief romanticist is being assumed by Korbel’s director of weddings and entertainment.

Ivy ID Mix-Up

A firm called Glen Ivy is in hot water, and the people who run a spa by that name are eager to let people know it’s not them.

As was chronicled in The Times on Sunday, regulators are looking at possible telemarketing abuses and alleged property-record irregularities by Glen Ivy Financial, the nation’s largest time-share real estate firm.


Glen Ivy, the time-share firm, denies the allegations. But that doesn’t do Glen Ivy Hot Springs much good. As luck would have it, both Glen Ivy firms are based in Corona.

Maurice Heagren, spa general manager, said he gets as many as five calls a day from people complaining about the other Glen Ivy, adding that many callers refuse to believe that the firms are unrelated.

Briefly. . .

Life imitates “Dallas”: Actor Larry Hagman, who played ruthless oil tycoon J. R. Ewing in the now-canceled series, met with OPEC officials in Vienna last week and was reported to have told them oil should sell for $36 a barrel . . . The $76.22 that a typical family of four spends at a major league baseball game is 3% of the amount Dodger outfielder Darryl Strawberry makes per inning . . . Art of the Fire Sale: Hardcover copies of Donald Trump’s “The Art of the Deal” have been spotted in some Los Angeles bookstores at $2.98, down from the $19.95 original price.
