
Packing It In

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1--At least eight weeks before the move, get estimates from three companies that include total price, what is covered by their liability insurance and what additional insurance will cost.

2--Don’t just take for granted that the company is licensed; the license could have been revoked. For interstate moves, check with the Interstate Commerce Commission office in your area to find out if the mover is currently licensed. For in-state moves, contact the state regulatory agency that licenses moving companies. In California, call any local Public Utilities Commission office for licensing information about your mover.

3--Visit the carrier’s offices and warehouse to check equipment--the condition of the vans, padding and straps, etc. Ask about employees: Does the company check references? Are they bonded, trained, experienced movers?


4--Get as much detail as you can written into the contract: when furniture will be picked up and delivered, how payment will be made, what claims protection you have.

5--Before packing, have a garage sale or give items to charity.

6--If you’re packing yourself, start four weeks before the move. Purchase packing cartons from the moving company or a box company for fragile items, such as china, glassware, lamps, etc. Label boxes and keep an inventory sheet of each. It’s easier unpacking if you label boxes by specific rooms--bedrooms, kitchen, bath, etc.--so the movers can deliver them to their proper places. If money is no object, have the movers pack you.

7--Pack survival boxes of things you’ll need immediately--medicines, coffeepot or teapot, tools for minor jobs and kitchen items, such as a frying pan, spoons and cereal dishes, bed linens and towels.


8--If possible, make a floor plan of your new home and pencil in where you want furniture. The movers can put furniture in place when they unpack the van, and you won’t have to move it later.

9--Be there when the movers arrive and, on delivery, check goods for damage or loss. Don’t sign the receipt for merchandise until you’ve inspected furniture for scratches, breaks or dents and checked the exteriors of cartons to see if they are undamaged.

10--For best results, report claims of damaged or broken items as soon as possible to the moving company. However, you have nine months after delivery to file a loss or damage claim.
