
Hold That Thought : On Eve of Game 5, Magic Says That He’s ‘Evaluating,’ Not Retiring

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Regarding that Magic Johnson retirement:

Never mind.

Johnson, who had said Tuesday that he would think it over, said before Wednesday’s game that he probably will be back next season.

“What happened (the way the story was reported) was something I knew was going to happen because everybody was staying on it,” Johnson said.

“I always evaluate myself at the end of every season. That’s all I was saying.

“I’m like any other player. I’m disappointed at this time. And you’re worn out at the same time. You even say to yourself, ‘Well, how long?’


“Because this is my life. I’m not like other guys. Maybe there’s one or two other ones, but not many.

“This is my life. I don’t have anything else. I’m not married. I take this home. Most guys can leave it.

“I want to win so bad. I mean, that’s just been me. I put everything into it. There’s nothing I leave. What you see is what you get.


“You often wonder yourself, how long can you keep doing it. And how long is that girl going to wait (Johnson has twice broken engagements to childhood sweetheart Cookie Kelly)?

“I wouldn’t put this on a woman. She understands. At this time, I’m so moody and crazy. Even my mom, I can’t have her stay at my house. I need quiet, that whole thing. People who know me well understand that.

“It’s worked this long, so I’m not going to change right now.”
