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Babies are big business.

There were 44,441 births in Orange County two years ago, and the numbers seem to be on the rise. Last year 53,412 babies made their debut, and so far this year, there have been 21,650 new arrivals. That translates into potentially 120,000 baby showers during the past 2 1/2 years.

The anticipation of a new baby can be an exciting time, but it seems as if they need everything . Often friends, co-workers and families will plan a party, but deciding on what gifts to buy or where to begin shopping can be a bit overwhelming. The following is a list to ease the baby shower shopping blues and still maintain some creativity:

Practical Gifts

Diaper service

Diaper bag (ask the new parents if they have picked one)

Backpack or front carrier

Crib monitor

Cotton nursing gown

A baby medical handbook

Baby kimonos

Baby mittens to protect against scratching

Receiving blankets (you can never have too many)

Baby Clothes


Fabric diaper covers

Stretch coveralls

Sweater set

Creeper sets and/or dress sets

Baby bonnets/hats

Baby shoes/booties

Bath and Toiletry Articles

Towels and washcloths

Baby brush and comb

Baby thermometer

Baby scissors

Inflatable baby bath

Sponge, bathing pillow

Miscellaneous gift items



Crib sheets, blankets or waterproof pads


Assortment of bottles and nipples for milk, juice and water.

Feeding set

Musical mobiles

Birth announcements

Sanity Savers--Meals, Baby-Sitting, Errands and Household Chores

Have a casserole shower. Everyone brings a frozen casserole so the new parents will have enough food in the freezer for at least two weeks.


Present a gift certificate for a candlelight dinner for two and an offer to baby-sit for the couple’s first night out after the baby.

Form a “meals-on-wheels” group to treat the new parents to a different home-cooked meal every night.

Offer to take the older sibling(s) for a few days.

Run errands, buy groceries and take children to appointments.

Help with laundry, housecleaning and cooking.

Group Gifts

Pool your money to buy an expensive but essential item, such as a rocking chair, crib, waterproof mattress, stroller, infant car seat, baby swing, changing table, play yard or high chair. Check with the expectant parents to see if they have a preference.


Queen for a Day

Arrange for maid service once a week for a month or two.

Give mom a gift certificate for a massage, facial, nails and hair styling.

Host a lingerie shower. It’s a fun way to boost a mother-to-be’s spirits and remind her that there is life after baby.

Source: Baby Talk magazine; Obstetrics Education, Hoag Hospital
