
Revising Vietnam War

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Ever since the Persian Gulf crisis began last August, there seems to have been a movement to revise America’s involvement in Vietnam and the image of those who were involved in it. Though America--and especially those who were directly involved in the Vietnam War--paid a dear price, the lessons learned from that tragic affair are far too important to have revisionists try to sweep them aside, either for the fleeting thrill of finally being “welcomed home,” or more devious motives.

I--as an old combat Vietnam War veteran--compare this situation to that of an alcoholic. Though it took many tough years, we had finally gotten to the point we could call ourselves a “recovering alcoholic.” The bad effects of that nightmare were over, but we still remembered the pain. Now the revisionists are saying it’s OK to enjoy the high from drinking again, only this time we won’t let those “bad effects” get us.

The truth of America’s involvement in Vietnam has been well-documented by such fine books as Neil Sheehan’s “A Bright Shining Lie.” It will be a tragic mistake if Americans choose to ignore that for the cheap, fleeting thrills revisionists are trying to sell us now.



Palm Springs
