
Retirement Board’s Trip to Europe

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The reporting on the Orange County Retirement Board members’ trip to Europe has not been characteristic of the quality I have come to expect from The Times.

The board is responsible for managing and investing $1.5 billion, a significant amount of money. The board members have the trust and gratitude of the employees of the County of Orange. They are responsible people. They put in a lot of time and hard work for minimal compensation.

As a 19-year employee of the County of Orange and a member of the retirement system, I want the board members to be aware of where and how the system’s dollars are invested. I believe that travel is necessary for the board members’ full understanding of the complex financial investment opportunities available to them.


I hope that the sensationalistic approach used by the press with respect to the recent trip to Europe does not cause the board to stop investigating, analyzing, and thinking about the system’s investments. I believe they have been doing the right thing and hope they will continue.

As to the question of opera tickets and other personal expenses, it was an accountant’s error that caused those expenses to be submitted to the county auditor-controller. The reporting of the entire affair questioned the integrity of the board members. I resent that. I believe that none of those participating in the trip expected to be reimbursed for personal, non-business expenses. For The Times to imply that these dedicated people were attempting to rip off the system is ludicrous.

RICH SWANSON, Laguna Niguel
