
Gift List for Fathers Who Like Gardens

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Father’s Day is here. How many of us have a dad that seems to have everything? If you face this difficulty in choosing a gift, a solution may lie in a visit to your local garden center.

There are a variety of items at most nurseries which would be just right. Perhaps a new lounging chair or patio set is in order. How about a weed eater to make life easier when trimming weeds against the fence of a planter box? Fertilizer spreaders are also much appreciated tools.

Since it’s the ‘90s and all of us are concerned with the environment get Dad started with a compost bin and some compost starter. This way garden and kitchen wastes would become dark and crumbly compost to dig into the flower and vegetable beds next spring. A drip irrigation system is another timely gift considering water conditions in the state. Your local nurseryman can help you select the parts you need right down to a timer to make it really easy.


Don’t overlook plants and shrubs for Dad, either. Possibly he’s had his eye on a particular plant such as an espaliered star jasmine, tree fuchsia, an especially attractive hanging basket of impatiens or a stubbed dwarf citrus. Use potting soil, a container and a variety of annuals to create a living bouquet for the patio or balcony. The same could be done with vegetables suited to container gardening. Long after this Father’s Day, Dad will enjoy a plump cherry tomato or crisp cucumber, says the California Assn. of Nurserymen.

Perhaps his office could use some sprucing up with indoor foliage plants--a tall one for the corner and one for his desk. If he would enjoy spending a leisurely afternoon selecting his own favorite annuals, shrubs or indoor plants, perhaps a gift certificate from a local nursery is the answer.
