
We appreciated being included in the TV...

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We appreciated being included in the TV Times’ cover story on parenting shows (May 26). I do want to comment regarding Dr. Lorraine Stern’s quote about Leeza Gibbons and her qualifications as host. Undeniably, Leeza is “pretty,” as Stern noted, but in selecting her to moderate this important subject matter, a broader definition applied.

Leeza is the loving and involved mother of a 2-year old, so she has personal and practical experience. We felt “just being a mom,” in Stern’s words, was of prime importance.

Like many in our audience, Leeza is a working woman who often faces practical and difficult choices between family and career. Also, like many Americans, her own parents live across the country and cannot provide day to day support.


Diane Asselin, producer, “Growing Up Together”
