
Pope’s Analogy on Abortion

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Some months ago you ran a series of articles on the media bias toward abortion. In those articles, The Times itself was criticized for its own frequent pro-abortion bias in its abortion coverage. Obviously, the public reads your newspaper more thoroughly than your editors do!

On June 6, in your continuing coverage of the Pope’s visit to Poland, the headline read “Pontiff’s Abortion-Genocide Analogy Criticized” (Part A). The article then goes on to explain that a singularly obscure youth daily with communist ties voiced its opposition to the Pope’s statements. Further, that two obscure Jewish organizations made a patently absurd suggestion that the word genocide is somehow exclusively linked to the Nazi Holocaust and therefore cannot be used in any other context without their express permission.

Buried deep in the article as an afterthought was the report of 20,000 persons from Byelorussia and Lithuania, who risked the possibility of political retribution to cross over the Polish border to see and hear the pontiff. That three insignificant voices of protest create a headline over 20,000 voices of affirmation, suggests to me a pro-abortion bias.


The Jewish leader who assailed the Holy Father’s deep moral convictions that abortion is the unjust taking of a human life as nothing but the Pontiff’s “political” agenda is expressing unmitigated anti-Catholicism.


San Clemente
