
SIMI VALLEY : Schools Budget Plan Uses Lottery Funds

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The Simi Valley Unified School District, which will take in $68.5 million in 1991-92, plans to spend $73 million.

The shortfall will be made up with $4.5 million in lottery funds, leaving $160,000 in the account, school officials said.

Tuesday night, the school board approved the tentative budget, which is due to the county superintendent of schools office by June 30. A final budget will be considered by the board in September.


“It’s like taking your savings and putting it into your checking account,” Assistant Supt. Mary Beth Wolford said.

The district plans to dip into its lottery funds because of a lack of state funding, school officials said. As required by the state, the district will retain 3% of its budget or $2.2 million in emergency reserves.

The 1991-1992 budget does not include a cost-of-living adjustment from the state or money for teacher raises. The teachers’ contract, which expires in June, is being negotiated by union and district representatives.


Wolford said the district was able to balance its budget without laying off any workers. Last year, 32 temporary teachers and 28 clerical and service employees were laid off when the district cut $8 million from its $73.4 million budget.
