
Library Use of Hughes Poem

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It is not surprising that, as the game of cultural, ethnic and religious separatism grows and becomes more lucrative, it is increasingly dominated by elites who show no evidence of economic disadvantage as a result of their “victimhood.” The flap between African-Americans and homosexuals over the inclusion of Langston Hughes in the library’s Gay/Lesbian Pride Month is a perfect example. It is a gross insensitivity for the public library to sponsor the misappropriation by the homosexual community of Langston Hughes’ “dream deferred” verse.

Why doesn’t the library allow a great American writer to define himself? Langston Hughes exulted in his blackness but never spoke of his sexual preferences. Perhaps, like most mature people, Hughes moderated his sexual behavior in accordance with his value system and never spoke about his sexual preference because it was (and still is) nobody else’s business.


San Pedro
