
New Van Halen Spells It Out for You : *** VAN HALEN “For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge” <i> Warner Bros.</i>

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The most subtle thing about the ninth album by America’s reigning kings of hard rock might be the acronym of its title, which is apparently meant as an exhortation rather than an expletive.

There’s nothing so understated in the music itself, an often cacophonous, uncompromising return to the pile-driving form that marked Van Halen’s early success. There’s not a ballad in the bunch, and the group has abandoned its short-lived pretension of including a lyric sheet with the album. To drive home the this-is-rock - ‘n’ - roll! point, the first notes of the album come not from Edward Van Halen’s guitar or Sammy Hagar’s throat, but a power drill, revving up to start off “Poundcake.”

Van Halen’s guitar takes over shortly thereafter, however, and dominates the album to an even greater degree than on the group’s past offerings. His wizardry illuminates everything from the raucous “Judgement Day,” with its hint of speed metal, to “316,” a lullaby-like instrumental commemorating the birth of his first son.


When the melodies are not as strong as those of “Runaround” and “Man on a Mission,” two of the album’s most accessible numbers, Van Halen’s playing ensures that no listener’s attention will wander. And oh, yes, Hagar, drummer Alex Van Halen and bassist Michael Anthony also perform For Immense Nice Effect.
