
Debate Over Multiculturalism in the Arts, Continued

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In response to your articles on multiculturalism in the arts (June 2 and 9):

Multiculturalism was at the center of a recent debate at the Southwest Museum by a group of professional storytellers and storytelling enthusiasts. Some people stated that storytellers should tell stories from their own cultures, while others said good storytellers should not be bound by such restrictions.

For example, a Native American storyteller felt that the essence of Native American stories is violated if they are not told with a deep understanding and awareness of the culture. An Asian-American storyteller said many non-Asians created stereotyped characters that are offensive to Asian audiences.

As a black storyteller, I find it difficult to tell stories of other cultures that I do not have a close, intimate relationship with. On the other hand, I realize that the move toward multiculturalism makes it necessary for many storytellers to broaden their repertory if they wish to increase their job opportunities.


But for me, I won’t mind getting the bulk of my jobs during January (when we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday) and February (Black History Month).


