
Annual, Worthy Event

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High school graduation exercises around the county are the harbinger of the end of the traditional school year, but along with proms, dinners and scholarships a new and overdue awards ceremony has been added.

In the Santa Ana Unified School District, the Santa Ana Chapter of the Black Educators of Orange County honored 19 outstanding black students in the first Academic Achievement Awards, billed as an annual event.

We are glad to see that the chapter described the event that way because the recognition, although a long time in coming, is a welcome program in the community to encourage scholarship and to create role models for other youngsters to follow.


Teachers in Santa Ana noticed the achievement level of black students was dropping as they reached higher grades, and bright students were just “muddling through.” The awards are designed to recognize and encourage scholastic achievement, community service and extracurricular activities so that students can work proudly toward their goals.

The honored graduating seniors give other students something to emulate.

One will enter the Air Force Academy. Another plans to attend medical school, and one wants to major in criminal law so she can help teen-agers in trouble. She might not have to wait until she gets out of law school. The recognition of her achievements, and that of the other 18 honored, are already an inspiration for other youngsters.
