
Walters’ Election

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I am disappointed in The Times’ brief announcement regarding the swearing in of Rita Walters to represent the 9th District. The blurb that appeared (Metro Digest, June 15) did not reflect the magnitude of an event of major historical importance: the election of the first black woman to the Los Angeles City Council.

The path-breaking inauguration, in my opinion, deserved, at the very least, the same type of in-depth coverage that was devoted to the losing candidate (Bob Gay). Rita Walters’ election represents a great victory for women. It signifies the changing political leadership in this city and a new opportunity for 9th District residents to gain improved access to City Hall.

The scant attention devoted to Councilwoman Walters’ inaugural ceremony leads me to question the bias of your editors regarding the coverage of positive issues relating to South-Central Los Angeles.


I look forward to the day when positive accomplishments by elected representatives are given the attention they deserve by Times editors who otherwise discount the efforts of those who represent South-Central Los Angeles.

TOM BRADLEY, Mayor of Los Angeles
