
Japanese Mini-Vans

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Regarding the letter (June 9) about Japanese auto makers dumping mini-vans in the United States:

The author wonders why the Japanese can afford to sell mini-vans at lower prices than U.S. auto makers and thinks we ought to match their prices to compete.

She obviously doesn’t understand that “dumping” is a specific, well-defined trade term that refers to an illegal practice. Dumping means selling at a loss in order to gain market share and drive other producers out of the market.


Although both parties agree it is illegal, the Japanese have done it time after time to drive us out of our own markets. Why not? It works and we are suckers enough to let them.

Let’s not condone unfair, illegal trade because it saves us a few dollars. If we let other countries take over our manufacturing capabilities, we won’t have to worry about mini-vans. We will be lucky if we can afford a mini-bike.

