
Republicans and Budget Battle

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Your news analysis inadvertently, but clearly, describes the party infighting between fiscally responsible assemblymen who honor (a rare word in politics) their election pledges to control the budget and big-government, tax-and-spend “Republicrats” like Wilson. The obvious cause of the worsening budget problem is irresponsible, runaway spending.

Logical and necessary cuts cannot be made because of our political spoils system of government. We have the best politicians that money can buy. Useless and unnecessary committees, panels and departments continue to feed from the tax trough while cuts are made on poor citizens with no political clout. The proposed cut in welfare payments (June 17) is immoral and reprehensible.

Absolutely no more taxes. For professional politician (former Gov. George) Deukmejian to denigrate fellow party members as “obstructionists” who would have a tough time holding a job in the “real world” is rich in irony. Alas, those of us in the “real world” would get fired for similar failures, whereas the politicians simply vote themselves another pay raise.


DOUG MEARS, Garden Grove
