
President Bush at Caltech

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I had the privilege of attending this year’s commencement ceremonies at Caltech in Pasadena (front page, June 15). I was there to honor a young man who was receiving his advanced degree from this prestigious university. This event had special significance because the President of the United States was giving the commencement address. Security was tight, but the uniformed Secret Service, local police/fire officials and campus security personnel were very courteous and efficient.

I am not a George Bush supporter, but I could not help being overcome with a sense of patriotism when the band played “Hail to the Chief” and the President marched to the podium. Shortly into his address a small group of abortion rights advocates caused a disruption with their chants and held up signs. They were escorted out of the stadium peacefully and courteously by the police. Then a group of ACT-UP LA supporters held up their banners and signs and called attention to their cause. Before the police or security staff could confront them, the ACT-UP people were attacked by people in the stands. Their banners were pulled from them and destroyed. The attackers beat and punched the young men of ACT-UP to the ground. The police arrived in time to prevent serious injury. The ACT-UP people were escorted out peacefully.

West Coast residents don’t have the opportunity very often to demonstrate for our causes in front of the President, but freedom of expression is very much a part of the political process. The people in the stands who beat the young men from ACT-UP were denying them their political freedom. Even Bush said the demonstrations were not up to par for a visit by the President.


Maybe the people in the stands need a refresher class in the Constitution at their local high school. My best to the graduates and the demonstrators.


Redondo Beach
