
Namesake: Two Thurgood Marshalls played parts in...

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Compiled by YEMI TOURE

Namesake: Two Thurgood Marshalls played parts in a small family drama at the Supreme Court Monday. Justice Thurgood Marshall removed his robe, stepped down to the lawyer’s lectern and asked the other justices to allow lawyer Thurgood Marshall Jr., 34--his son--to practice before them. At the same time, he asked that his daughter-in-law, Colleen P. Mahoney, 33, Marshall’s wife, be admitted. With smiles across the bench, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist granted the motion.

* Milestone: James P. Lyke has been installed as archbishop of Atlanta, becoming the nation’s highest-ranking black Roman Catholic. Lyke wept during his installation Monday as he thanked his “compatriots in the Lord.” His predecessor, Eugene Marino, stepped down last summer over an affair with a woman. Lyke said of Marino: “Our love for you and our pride in your accomplishments far outdistance the extreme circumstances of your departure.”

* Father Knows Not: South African President Frederik W. de Klerk’s son plans to marry his mixed-race girlfriend in December. The president said he was surprised at the date set by his son, Willem de Klerk, and Erica Adams: “My wife and I were not at all informed about these facts. We are surprised because we are in regular contact with our son.” From 1957 to 1985, the white regime outlawed marriage or sexual relations across racial lines.


* Dogged: A 475-pound man was arrested at a Tallahassee, Fla., airport after police found 11 pounds of crack cocaine hidden in the folds of his stomach, authorities said Tuesday. Wayne Lewis, 24, fit a profile of drug smugglers, but officers did not find the drugs at first. They used a police dog, which sniffed around Lewis’ stomach. “When (police) lifted that up, $30,000 worth of cocaine fell out,” an officer said.
