
Glendale Council OKs Trash Plan

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The Glendale City Council on Tuesday adopted a wide-ranging plan to significantly reduce the amount of trash generated by households, businesses and industry.

The plan is in response to a state mandate requiring cities to cut in half by the year 2000 the amount of garbage deposited in dumps.

Glendale’s plan would cost about $16.8 million through 1995, when the amount of trash is to be reduced by 25%. Another $8.7 million will be needed to build a plant to separate recyclable material in order to meet the 50% reduction requirement by 2000, according to a city report.


Although the law required cities to develop and adopt a plan by July 1, Glendale is one of only a few that have met the deadline, said Kerry Morford, assistant public works director. The Legislature has proposed extending the deadline, Morford said.

The plan must receive state approval, which is expected by January, 1992.
