
No Free Ride: Vice President Dan Quayle...

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Compiled by YEMI TOURE

No Free Ride: Vice President Dan Quayle and his family like to ride horses at Manassas National Battlefield Park in Virginia, but the House Tuesday blocked $42,000 for a stable there. Rep. Peter Hoagland (D-Neb.) contended that the stable was only to train Secret Service types who would have to ride with the Quayles. Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D-Penn.), joked that the American people might be “terribly embarrassed” if Quayle were called on to ride with Queen Elizabeth and couldn’t keep his seat.

Breakup: Photographer-author Jill Krementz and novelist Kurt Vonnegut are divorcing after 11 years of marriage. Vonnegut said he and Krementz will share custody of their daughter, Lily, reports the New York Times. Krementz, 51, started her career as a photographer and later wrote children’s books. Vonnegut, 68, authored “Slaughterhouse Five” and “Breakfast of Champions.”

The B List: As if President Bush’s Chief of Staff John Sununu doesn’t have enough problems, readers of the Washingtonian magazine have voted him this year’s “worst Bush appointee.” It puts him at the top of the “worst” list, with Jesse Helms, “worst senator”; Newt Gingrich, “worst House member”; and Saddam Hussein and Leona Helmsley, “villains” of the year.


Outside Influence: More than 4,500 people representing all religions in the Soviet Union are expected to attend seminars run by Billy Graham in Moscow next month. “Things are more open now in the Soviet Union than ever before. People are able to take the Gospel and distribute Bibles in schools, prisons--even the military,” Graham said recently. “That is more than we can do in America.”
