
Bright Side of Operation Sparkle

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I was among the thousands of citizens who took part in Operation Sparkle and worked side by side with police officers cleaning our neighborhood streets. How sad it was to pick up newspapers Monday morning and read articles attacking the police because a large pile of trash was left in a Pacoima neighborhood.

Because this was the first time the Police Department sponsored such an event, they had no way of knowing exactly how many people would show up nor how many trash bins they would need.

Rather than give the Police Department and citizens credit for working their tails off, Ray Jackson was quick to attack.


Why didn’t Mr. Jackson try to resolve the problem directly with the police? Why did he call the local newspapers? Was he merely looking for an opportunity to add more fuel to the fire that was ignited with the Rodney King beating?

How sad that some people only see the negative side of life and completely overlook the good that was intended.


Van Nuys
