
La Habra Doctor in Sex Case Agrees to Surrender License

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A La Habra doctor, accused by the California Medical Board of gross negligence and sexual misconduct while treating patients at his birthing clinic, surrendered his license Friday and promised to stop practicing medicine, a state’s attorney said.

By relinquishing his license, Dr. Howard E. Marchbanks, 70, will avoid a trial on charges that he was negligent in the delivery of two babies and that he sexually mistreated five mothers at his clinic.

“This was wonderful news,” said state Deputy Atty. Gen. Sherry Ledakis, who was prosecuting the case. “Most of the mothers are very happy. There are a few, however, who wished this had gone to trial so the public would know what he had done.”


Neither Marchbanks nor his attorney could not be reached for comment.

A medical board investigator said this was not the first time that Marchbanks had been in trouble because of his medical practices. In the mid-1970s, he was placed on 10 years’ probation because of similar malpractice charges.

The doctor, however, was on probation for just seven years because he underwent an educational program that satisfied medical board officials, the investigator said.

The most recent charges involve incidents that have occurred over the last three years. Even after state officials filed a complaint against Marchbanks, more mothers came forward to say they had been assaulted by him.


The complaint by the medical board said one child born at the birthing center subsequently suffered brain damage and another had heart and lung problems because of the doctor’s negligence.

One of the incidents allegedly occurred during a “water birth”--a procedure in which a baby is immediately immersed in a warm bath to duplicate a womb’s environment.

According to the complaint, Marchbanks did not properly monitor the infant’s heartbeat or have appropriate safety equipment at hand during that birth.


The sexual misconduct charges included allegations that Marchbanks kissed, hugged and fondled women he was treating.
