
Nixon’s Remarks

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Alan Dershowitz’s column (June 18) on anti-Semitism is certainly only one perspective on racism. While Richard Nixon’s anti-Jewish utterances are a matter of public record, so is Golda Meir’s remark, “There is no such thing as ‘the Palestinian people’ ” and Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir’s declaration, “Compared to us, they (the Palestinians) are grasshoppers.” The only difference seems to be that Nixon’s rhetoric was not a prelude to land confiscation, detention without charges for thousands and murder of civilians.

If Poland were truly a hotbed of anti-Semitism, why did millions of Jews feel welcome enough to make it their home prior to World War II? Since the Holocaust, the suffering of the 7 million non-Jewish victims of Nazi aggression has been ignored by deliberate emphasis on the plight of the 6 million Jews who perished.

At a time when 1.7 million Muslims and Christians are subjugated by their Jewish oppressors, Zionism is clearly revealed to be the flip side of anti-Semitism.


