
They’d Kill for $1 Million, Survey Finds

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Associated Press

Eleven percent of men and 3% of women would commit murder to become millionaires if they were assured of getting away with the crime, according to a British public opinion survey.

And many more would cheat on taxes, lie about sexual affairs or deny running over a neighbor’s dog, the poll found.

“An astonishing proportion of Britons are prepared to put morality to one side if they think it worth their while,” said the Sunday Express, which commissioned the survey on sex, crime and honesty from Market and Opinion Research International.


The group said it questioned 1,112 adults June 21. The survey gave no margin of error.

In addition to asking whether they would kill for the equivalent of $1.6 million, the survey found that 25% of respondents would lie to their partners about affairs with the opposite sex and more than half answered that they would cheat the tax man out of $80,000 if they wouldn’t be caught.
