
ANAHEIM : Librarians Delay Closing on Fridays

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Despite a budget-cutting plan to close Anaheim libraries one day a week to save money, library officials will try to keep the doors open on Fridays through July.

“Let’s put it this way, we have a temporary reprieve,” said Kevin Moore, central library manager. “We’re still staying open, we’re still providing services.”

Anaheim’s 1991-92 budget, which went into effect Monday, included closing the city’s public library branches on Fridays. Moore said the library will continue operating on Fridays for the rest of the month but with a reduced staff.


Library officials have warned patrons that, overall, they should expect longer lines and fewer librarians because of staff and budget cuts.

During budget hearings, some council members decried plans to shut the libraries one day a week. They said residents were worried that children would lose a summer activity with the library operating five days a week instead of six.

“I think that’s one area we need for our young people, especially in summer,” said Councilman William D. Ehrle. “Keep the doors open so young kids can have an opportunity to read.”


The council ended up approving a cut of nearly 20% in the library budget.
