
The Cost of Living

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The Times monthly survey of the cost of goods and services commonly purchased by Southern California residents found little change in June.

Highlight: Effects of the December freeze, which devastated agricultural California, can still be seen in the produce sections of grocery stores. Navel oranges, which would still be on the shelves, are nowhere to be seen. They’ve been scarce since January. Valencias, however, are being harvested. The freeze will reduce the supply, but Valencias won’t be as hard-hit as the navel supply. And the price of a pound of broccoli is continuing to drop from its high of $1.61 in April. Early plantings were damaged by the freeze, but the supply is now strong and the price of a pound of President Bush’s least favorite food is now only 59 cents.

May June % Chg. Groceries Chicken (per lb., best of fryer cut up) $1.37* $1.36* ** 13-oz. can of coffee $2.818 $2.758 -2% 1 dz. eggs (grade AA large) $1.846 $1.806 -2% 24 oz. wheat bread $2.03 $2.04 ** 1 lb. pinto beans $0.598 $0.60 ** 10-lb. bag of potatoes $2.09 $2.19 +5% Navel oranges (per lb.) See Highlights $-- -- -- 1 gal. homogenized milk $2.52 $2.50 ** 1 lb. broccoli (fresh) $0.73 $.51 -30% 8-oz. package of chocolate candy $1.7625 $1.7625 unch. Six-pack beer (12 oz. cans) $4.26 $4.266 ** 1 doz. corn tortillas $0.414 $0.458 +11% 10-lb. bag dry dog food $6.462 $6.46 ** Super-concentrated detergent (30-load) -- $7.342 -- Toilet tissue (4-roll package) $1.364* $1.686 +24% Eating out Fast-food cheeseburger $0.76 $0.82 +8% Other goods and services 1 gal gas. (unleaded self-serve) $1.076 $1.082 **% 3-pack, boys Size 12 cotton briefs $3.96 $3.96 unch. Dry-cleaning man’s two-piece suit $7.11 $7.11 unch. Professional drain cleaning $44.56 $44.56 unch. Manicure 7.75 $7.75 unch.


* Includes at least one sale price. ** Less than 1% change.

*** Out of season.
