
THOUSAND OAKS : Marriage License, Passport Fees to Rise

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Thousand Oaks City Council members voted Tuesday night to raise the fees the city charges for processing marriage licenses and passports.

The council approved the fee increase by a unanimous vote.

The city’s fee for processing passports will jump from $8 to $15. The fee for processing marriage licenses will jump from $15 to $20.

The fees will pay for the costs of handling and mailing documents and are exclusive of any charges from the federal government. They become effective Aug. 1.


Normally, the residents would have to travel to Ventura, Simi Valley or Los Angeles to file passport documents.

Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Fillmore and Port Hueneme all process passports and marriage licenses in Ventura County. The city handles about 600 marriage licenses and 2,300 to 2,400 passports each year.
